News Flash

The portion of Brian Perkey's Yeast talk that we successfully recorded is available for download here.  (Right click and select save target as.) Unfortunately the second half was lost but the material we have is great!  Enjoy!
Golden Mash Paddle Award Nomination Page PDF Print E-mail
WAHA Projects - Awards
Written by Mark Emiley   
Monday, 01 December 2008 05:33

 Golden Mash Paddle Award

            The purpose of the Golden Mash Paddle is to recognize individuals who work to significantly advance the Washington homebrewing movement.  The nominees and recipients of this award go above and beyond the call of duty to pioneer movements at and beyond the club-level, benefiting the Washington homebrew scene.

Golden Mash Paddle Nomination Overview:

  • Nominations should be made for an individual's contributions to Washington homebrewing
  • Only Washington residents may be nominated
  • Initial nominations can be made on the Golden Mash Paddle Nomination page (closed) or submitted through WAHA Representatives
  • Initial nominations will be accepted from December 1st to January 14th (extended until Feb 1st)and must include:
    • Nominees name
    • Some contact information for nominee (e-mail, phone, club, etc.)
    • Either a basic or detailed description of the nominee's accomplishments
    • Nominator's contact information (optional but helpful)
  • Between January 14th and January 21st, nominees will be contacted and allowed to provide additional details to the nomination resume.  They have until January 31st to submit modifications to the Awards Committee Chairperson.
  • In February, the WAHA Club Representatives will review the resumes and vote for the recipient of the Golden Mash paddle which will be announced by the end of February.


2022-23 Nomination Period Open - Nominate Someone Today 

For the detailed Golden Mash Paddle Framework, click here

Questions?  Contact the WAHA Awards Committee Chair.

Previous Winners:
2008 - Mark Emiley, BEWBC
2009 - Tim Hayner, Impaling Alers
2010 - Tom Schmidlin, CBG
2011 - Peter Twigg, WAHA
2012 - Steve Antoch, Mt. Si Brewing Society
2013 - Mark and Alison Joy, Stilly Mashers
2014 - Eric Wilson, GEBL
2015 - Larry Rifenberick - Impaling Alers
2016 - Peter Bergler - Mt. Si Brewing Society
2017 - Jill Marilley - GEBL
2018 - Garry Leinhard - HOPS

Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 December 2023 13:47
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