News Flash

The portion of Brian Perkey's Yeast talk that we successfully recorded is available for download here.  (Right click and select save target as.) Unfortunately the second half was lost but the material we have is great!  Enjoy!


Golden Mash Paddle Nomination Form

The purpose of the Golden Mash Paddle is to recognize individuals who work to significantly advance the Washington homebrewing movement. The nominees and recipients of this award go above and beyond the call of duty to pioneer movements at and beyond the club-level, benefiting the Washington homebrew scene.

The initial nomination window is December 1st through January 31stth. Please read the Golden Mash Paddle Award Guidelines carefully before you nominate an individual. Questions?  Contact the WAHA Awards Committee Chair.

Thank you for your nomination.

*Required Fields

Nominee’s Information


Name of Nominee *

E-mail Address

Phone (xxx) xxx-xxxx

Street Address (if available)


Zip/Postal Code

Club Affiliation

Reasons why the Nominee should receive the Golden Mash Paddle Award (please limit to 500 words)

Nominator’s Contact Information  


Street Address



Zip/Postal Code

Phone (xxx) xxx-xxxx

E-mail *

Additional Information?

By checking this box, I agree that the statements made in this submission are true to the best of my knowledge.

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