News Flash

The portion of Brian Perkey's Yeast talk that we successfully recorded is available for download here.  (Right click and select save target as.) Unfortunately the second half was lost but the material we have is great!  Enjoy!


WAHA Merchandise Order Form

The Washington Homebrewers Association is proud to release the next round of WAHA apparel. Be the most comfortable homebrewer on the block with your new homebrewer hoodie, t-shirt, or hat. We are currently conducting orders through clubs but are also preparing orders for pickup at upcoming events like the Exbeerience. Additionally, we may be able to mail out orders (estimate $5 for the first item and possibly $2 per additional item for shipping though actual numbers may vary). Simply fill out the form below and we'll work on getting your order together!.

*Required Fields

Your Information


Name *

Street Address



Zip Code

Phone (xxx) xxx-xxxx

E-mail *

Available items are: (click here for more details and designs)

License Hoodie; Black or Green; $30 - M, L, XL, XXL

License T-shirt; Black or Green; $15 - M, L, XL, $18 - XXL

Ladies T-Shirt; Black or Green, $15 - S, M, L, XL

Original T-Shirt; Black, $15 - M, L, XL, XXL

WAHA Hat; Beige or Olive; $18

Order Information: (please enter as follows):

Item, Color, Size, Quantity

Example: License T-shirt, Black, L, 1



Other information:



By checking this box, I agree that I will pay for the above order through either payment to WAHA or through my club representative.

Click the Submit button only once!

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