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WAHA Competition Organizer Tips & Recommendation Form

The Washington Homebrewers Association is looking for recommendations and tips on how to run a successful competition. The BJCP Sanctioned Competition Handbook provides great insight to putting together a successful competition. We are looking to compile more helpful tips and guidance to create a useful database of information to help run competitions. We are interested in hearing practical tips from organizer experience as well as observations made in support of competitions. The information submitted can range from basic information to help an organizer get started or more advanced tips to help a seasoned organizer streamline their events. Anything from tips on schedules for getting prepared to tips for event day details to tips on how many crackers you’ll need. These are the details we all figure out eventually, but by submitting your experience, we hope to create a practical database and guide on how to run the highest standard of competitions. If you’ve kept notes on recommendations for your competitions, share them and we’ll get everyone to raise the bar on competitions.

So, let us know what has (and hasn’t) worked for you. Please take a few minutes and let us know your ideas on how we can all run better competitions.

Responses are due by October 31st. Thank you for your time and suggestions. Your comments will be used to help compile competition organization tips which will be available for all homebrewers. Check back on the WAHA Website later for a compilation. (It may take a while to sort through your gems!)

*Required Fields

Contact Information (Optional but encouraged so that you can be contacted with any questions – this information will not be used for any other purpose)


E-mail Address

Phone (xxx) xxx-xxxx




Number of Competitions Organized

Competition Experience (roles, competitions organized, etc.)

Tips for running a better competition (if you need more space, please feel free to submit another form)

Other Comments?

Click the Submit button once. Thank you for your time.

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