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2008 Evergreen State Fair Results PDF Print E-mail
WAHA Projects - WAHA Competitions
Written by Mark Emiley   
Thursday, 04 September 2008 11:40

We had a great show in 2008 with 296 total entries in all categories: beer, mead, cider, wine, cordials and soda pop - up more than 40% from last year. The quality of our show was also very high with most entries earning red and blue ribbons. My personal thanks to all who entered and made this department so successful this year, and also big thanks to everyone who helped with the judging days and with hosting in the department during 12 days of Fair display - I can't do it without all of you. I hope we keep growing next year.


Eric J. Wilson


ESF WAHA Results Release-2008

ESF All Results Release-2008

ESF Club of the Year Release 2008

Last Updated on Thursday, 03 September 2009 05:02
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