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The Impaling Alers Temporary Site PDF Print E-mail
WAHA Projects - WAHA Competitions
Written by Dr Decoctor   
Thursday, 02 July 2009 06:46

The Impaling Alers Temporary Site

As you might have guessed, our regular host site is down.  We'll continue to keep posting info on this page until we get things fixed up.

Right now, here's some of the current things coming up for the Impaling Alers:

AHA Club Only Competition "The Session Challenge".  This competition will be for English Brown Ale only or BJCP Styles 11a Mild, 11b Southern English Brown & 11c Northern English Brown.  Go to the AHA website for more info on entering.  Judging for the main event will be on Saturday Febrewary 20th, 2010.  Entries are due Tuesday Febrewary 16th, 2010.  If you have any questions, please email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Club officer elections will be held at the January club meeting.  Be Present, or Be President!

More info to come...


Novembeerfest 2009!!!


(The Impaling Alers is temporarily down.  For more information on the Impaling Alers, click here.  For information on Novembeerfest, this page has everything you need to know).

The Competition Staff of the Impaling Alers is pleased to announce that the results of Novembeerfest! 2009 are in!

Best of Show Peter Twigg with an English Mild called "Mild"
2nd Place BOS Cliff Johnson with an American IPA called "IPA"
3rd Place BOS Will Fredin with a Belgian Tripel called "Red Tide Tripel"
HM BOS Brian Thatcher with a Saison called "Saison II"

Congratulations to Peter Twigg and all the winners for a fantastic event this year!  We had 210 entries in Beer, Mead & Cider categories.  Follow this link for complete results.


Scoresheets and awards will be mailed out in the next 10 -14 days.  Please be patient, there were a lot of you this year!

Brewers will be selecting beers to brew in the next several days, so check back often as we will post the beers and homebrewer and brewery who selected them.

Thanks to all who entered this year and to a great group of hard working staff and judges who made this a great event!  And in particular, thanks to Larry's Brewing Supply for providing the location.


Tim Hayner - Competition Organizer

The Impaling Alers 2009 Novembeerfest Home Brewing Competition will take place Saturday, November 7, 2009 at Larry's Brewing Supply in Kent, WA.

Novembeerfest is open to all amateur homebrewers.  Beer, Cider, and Mead will be judged in accordance with the 2008 Beer Judge Certification Program guidelines.

It is up to the individual home brewer to select the style and sub-style for the entry.  Judges will not re-categorize entries.  Marked caps need to be blacked out with a marker.  Each bottle requires its own label.  Each entry requires its own entry form.  The recipe is optional, but may be decisive in determining Best to Brew winning entries.  Bottle labels should be rubber banded to the bottle, not taped.  Labels and entry forms can be found on line at:


Please note that special information is required for categories 6D, 16E, 17F, 20, 21, 22B, 22C, 23, 25C, 26A, 26C, 27E, 28B-D.  Carbonation and Sweetness must be specified for Mead, Cider and Perry.  Strength must also be specified for Mead.

Entry Fee: $6 per entry - Checks made out to Larry's Brewing Supply.

On-line Entry Registration is available here  

On-line Registration for Judges and Stewards is available here 

Three (3) 10-12 oz brown or green bottles per beer entry are required, crown cap or cork finished.  No swing tops please.  Carbonated cork finished bottles should also have a crown cap or be caged.  (2) bottles will be accepted, but may limit the entry's advancement to the BOS or brewer selection.  Only (2) bottles are needed for mead, cider and perry entries.  (1) bottle will be accepted and judged, but may limit the entry's advancement to BOS.

•·        Entries Due:        October 19th through Nov 3rd, 2009

•·        Ship to / Drop Off:

Larry's Brewing Supply
7405 S 212th St. #103
Kent, WA 98032
(Closed Sundays & Mondays)

•·        Other Locations to drop off include:  Bob's Homebrew Supply, The Cellar Homebrew, The Beer Essentials, Olympic Brewing Supply, and Ice Harbor Brewing Co.   Address and phone for these are located here

Should you have any questions, please email Tim Hayner This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 December 2009 16:14
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