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2011 Skagit County Fair - WHOTY Qualifier PDF Print E-mail
WAHA Projects - WAHA Competitions
Written by Mark Emiley   
Thursday, 07 July 2011 08:02

2011 Skagit Country Fair Homebrew Competition Results Here

What: A homebrew competition sponsored by the Skagit County Fair.

When: August 5, 2011 (Entries Due 14 July – 4 August 2011). BOS winner & Brewers Choice Awards will be announced at the Skagit County Fair – Time TBD.

Where: Judging starts at 6:30 pm on Friday, August 5, 2011 at Balefire Pub, 1801 Hewitt Ave. Everett, WA 98201, (425) 374-7248

Eligibility: Anyone over 21 may enter. Beers must be entered under the name of all brewers who helped. Beers brewed in commercial facilities are ineligible.

Entry Fee: $6 per entry. Make checks payable to Mark Tanner.

Entry Requirements: Bottles must be free of labels or other identifying marks. Two 10 to 16 oz. brown or green crown capped bottles are required for each entry. No swing tops, please. A bottle label form must be attached to each bottle with a rubber band. No tape, please. All entries become the property of the Skagit County Fair. You can print BJCP bottle labels at:

Categories: Beers will be judged based on the 2008 BJCP Style Guidelines. The competition committee reserves the right to combined (or expand) categories based on number of entries. All possible efforts will be made to combine similar styles. All brews in combined categories will be judged according to the style entered. The event organizers plan to bin the beer into the following categories:

1. American Pale Ales
2. India Pale Ales
3. Light Ales
4. Amber Ales
5. Dark Ales
6. Lagers – Light, Amber and Dark (We'll break these out if we can)
7. Belgians (Styles 16 and 18 – we'll separate if we have enough entries)
8. Sour Ales
9. Other Beer (Specialty, Fruit, Smoked, etc...)

Deadline: Ship or deliver your entries so as to arrive between July 14th and August 4th.

Drop Off Locations: Entries may be dropped off in person at any of the following until August 4th:

1) Northwest Brewers Supply, 1006 6th Street, Anacortes, WA 98221, (360) 293-0424
2) Homebrew Heaven, 9109 Evergreen Way, Everett, WA 98204, (425) 355-8865
3) Larry's Brewing Supply, 7405 South 212th Street Suite 103, Kent, WA 98032, 253-872-6846

Shipping: You may pack your entries well and ship to:

Skagit County Fair HBC, c/o Mark Tanner, 1324 Bonnie View Acres Rd, Oak Harbor, WA 98277

Awards: Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each qualifying category and for 1st, 2nd and 3rd BOS. This is a Washington Homebrewer of the Year Event for 2011.

• The Brewery Selection winner: will get to brew their award-winning recipe with the brewers at the Anacortes Brewery.

• Commercial-scale adaptation of winning recipe will be subject to the brewery's discretion. Anacortes brewery retains the flexibility to choose the winning beer based on private concerns (marketability, balance to existing beer line, etc.).

Questions? E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , or 206-321-6567

Last Updated on Sunday, 14 August 2011 13:40
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