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Reuben's Brews "Hop Idol" Homebrew Competition Seeks Entries PDF Print E-mail
WAHA Projects - WAHA Competitions
Written by Mark Emiley   
Tuesday, 09 January 2018 19:40

Seattle’s Reuben’s Brews Seeking Entries for 2nd Annual “Hop Idol” Homebrew Contest
Winning beer to be distributed throughout the Pacific Northwest, entered in 2018 Great American Beer Festival competition
SEATTLE, Wash. (Nov. 28, 2017) Seattle’s award-winning Reuben’s Brews is looking for the next great homebrew in the 2nd Annual “Hop Idol” Homebrew Contest. Deadline for entries is February 12, 2018.
“The inaugural year of our Hop Idol competition was a great success,” says Adam Robbings, Co-Founder and Brewmaster of Reuben’s Brews. “We had almost 40 beers entered from across the United States – from Seattle, to South Dakota and Maine!”
Hop Idol is a Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) certified homebrew competition. All entries are blind tasted and scored against the BJCP style guidelines, focusing on hoppy styles.
Earlier this year, Jonathan Cooper, winner of the inaugural Hop Idol, brewed a 30 barrel batch of his IPA with the Reuben’s team. The finished brew was released in the brewery’s taproom and was distributed in draft and bottles throughout the Pacific Northwest.
“Homebrewing has a special place in our hearts,” says Robbings. “I started as a homebrewer in my garage, and it led me to start Reuben’s Brews. We’ve received such great support from the homebrewing community over the years and we want to do our little bit to give some of that support back.”
Reuben’s Brews has been active with local Pro-Am competitions since it opened in 2012, winning multiple awards in commercial competitions for their scaled up batches including at the Washington Beer Awards, North American Brewing Awards and the US Beer Tasting Championships. Reuben’s also collaborated with Robbings’ former homebrew club on a special beer for Reuben’s Brews’ 5th anniversary party this past summer.
Homebrewers are now called to start working on your hoppy recipe. The Hop Idol winner will get to brew their beer with the Reuben’s Brews team at the brewery in Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood. The brew will be released the Reuben’s taproom and be distributed throughout the Pacific Northwest. It is also planned to be entered in the Pro-Am category at one of the most prestigious beer competitions in the country – the Great American Beer Festival (GABF).
Here are a few of the basic rules for entry:

  • Contestants may submit up to five different beers. Entry forms and recipes are required for each submission.
  • There is a $5 entry fee for each beer submitted. Make checks payable to “Reuben’s Brews LLC.” All entry fees will be donated to Seattle Children’s Hospital.
  • Beers must be received by Reuben’s between Monday, Feb. 12 and Friday, Feb. 16. Late entries cannot be accepted.
  • We anticipate naming the winner on Tuesday, March 6.

Read the complete list of contest details and rules at

About Reuben’s Brews
After the birth of their first child Reuben, Adam and Grace embarked on a mission to brew bloody good beer. Originally from the UK, Adam turned a passionate hobby into a family-run brewery crafting nationally and internationally recognized beers in a wide variety of styles. Since opening in 2012, Reuben’s has won awards for its beers around the world including at the Great American Beer Festival, the World Beer Cup, the US Open and was named Mid-Sized Brewery of the Year at the 2015 Washington Beer Awards. Find Reuben’s Brews in Western Washington and at its taproom located at 5010 14th Ave NW in Ballard, open 7 days a week. For more information, visit or follow on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@reubensbrews).
Contact:  Adam Robbings: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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