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Beerstock 5060-11 PDF Print E-mail
Events - WAHA Events
Written by Garry Lienhard   
Friday, 10 June 2022 00:00

Beerstock 5060-11 Saturday, July 30th

(You are welcome and encouraged to camp Saturday night.)

To those of you who remember Beerstock, YES, it's happening again, yahoo!

In the summer of 2009 Beerstock 5060 was the first, legal gathering of homebrew clubs to share their homebrew with others and encourage friendships amongst homebrewers from different clubs. At Beerstock, homebrew clubs are invited to set up a booth where they can serve their beverages to attendees. Thanks to the passing of Bill 5060, as of July 26th, 2009, it is now legal to have this type of event as long as the homebrew is free. In short, Beerstock is like a beer fest that serves homebrewed beverages. This summer’s event will be the 11th Beerstock.

Beerstock is organized entirely by volunteers. It is not a money-making event. However, with the help of the Lakewood Rotary Club it is a philanthropic event. All excess money generated goes to Polio Plus and is double-matched by Bill Gates. We are happy to have this positive element part of Beerstock 5060. “Beer makes the world a better place.”

If your club is interested in attending and setting up a booth, please contact Alison Sheafor-Joy at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Thanks.

All of the information about Beerstock will be shared with your club’s Beerstock Rep via email. It is the responsibility of your club’s Beerstock Rep to share this information with his or her club members at meetings. (Each club needs to choose a Beerstock Club Rep to be in charge of this.)

2022 THEME: “The Dude Abides”
Each year the organizing committee chooses a theme for the check-in booth. This year’s theme is Beerstock 5060-11 The Big Lebrewski. You may use the theme to inspire your club booth decorations or you can decorate in any way that suits your fancy. Quotes from the movie are littered throughout this write-up for your entertainment. It’s all cool, man.
Last Updated on Friday, 10 June 2022 16:42
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