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BJCP Practice Exam - Oct 31st PDF Print E-mail
WAHA Projects - Judging
Written by Mark Emiley   
Wednesday, 21 October 2009 07:20

For everybody that is interested, we are going to hold a full on 3 hour practice exam complete with the same type and number of questions that you are likely to see on the real thing.  There will also be 4 beers to judge during the exam, just like you would see on the real thing.  The idea is to give you a sense for what the real exam is like and get a feel for managing your time and hopefully do your very best on the real thing two weeks later.  You'll be able to take the practice exam home with you and review your work and see where you might want to focus your remaining reviewing time.  It is grueling, but it will help prepare you.  We will hold the practice exam at Big Al Brewing on Saturday 10/31/09.  Please arrive between 9 am and 9:30.  We'll get started with some info on the exam at 9:30 and at 10:00 am, we'll start the exam and go until 1pm.  Bring the following items:

Comfortable mechanical pencil & eraser with lots of lead
Basic calculator
Ear plugs (we'll have some if you want, but forgot to bring)
$10 to help cover the cost of the beers and materials.

Big Al Brewing is in White Center, check the address at 9832 14th ave sw, seattle, wa 98106  

If you've never been to Big Al Brewing, this is as good a time as any to get in there! 

Please let Steve Antoch or I know if you plan to attend so that we ensure there are enough materials.  We can easily accomodate 15 + people, so even if you haven't been part of the study group but hope to take or retake the exam next month, please feel invited to attend.  The practice exam is open to all.

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