News Flash

The portion of Brian Perkey's Yeast talk that we successfully recorded is available for download here.  (Right click and select save target as.) Unfortunately the second half was lost but the material we have is great!  Enjoy!
Final Changes to WA RCW PDF Print E-mail
WAHA Projects - Legal Efforts
Written by Mark Emiley   
Friday, 20 June 2008 15:13

In consulting with our brewing industry representative, the following changes to the RCW should help stimulate the homebrewing movement in Washington and has a good chance of passing.

This includes the amendments from the House Commerce and Labor Committee.

Senate Bill 5060 Proposed Wording

RCW 66.12.010

Wine or beer manufactured for home use. 

Nothing in this title, other than RCW 66.28.140, applies to wine or beer manufactured in any home for private consumption, and not for sale.

RCW 66.28.140
Removing family beer or wine from home - Conditions.

(1) An adult member of a household may remove family beer or wine from the home subject to the following conditions:

(a) The quantity removed by a producer is limited to a quantity not exceeding 20 gallons; 

(b) Family beer or wine is not removed for sale.

(c) Family beer or wine is removed from the home for private use, including use at organized affairs, exhibitions, or competitions such as homemaker's contests, tastings, or judging.

(2) As used in this section, "family beer or wine" means beer or wine manufactured in the home for private consumption and not for sale.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 July 2009 06:36
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