News Flash

If you missed Jess Caudill's (from Wyeast) talk on "bugs" as our Educational Speaker you can download the audio here.
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Welcome to the Washington HomeBrewers Association (WAHA) Website!

This organization and site is devoted to promoting and coordinating the homebrewing movement in Washington.  On this site you can find valuable information on learning about homebrewing, locating local homebrewers, clubs and stores, becoming a beer judge, improving our state's homebrewing laws, and finding what else is going on in Washington homebrew.  Take a second to get registered on the site, browse through the resources, post in the forum, and become a part of Washington's homebrewing culture!

The Washington Homebrewers Association is an organization of Washington homebrewers representing clubs across the state as well as "independent" homebrewers aiming to push Washington homebrewing to a higher level.  By pooling efforts across the state, we hope to help educate, coordinate, and celebrate homebrewing in our state.

We will be developing some new programs and tools aiming to help raise homebrewing awareness in Washington.  As we go through the development process, we want your involvement and support!

We are continuously adding content to the site, so please get registered, start using the resources, and post in the forum.

Thanks for your support and keep brewing strong!

Washington Homebrewers Association's Missions:

  • Promote Washington Homebrewing
  • Foster Communication and Participation in Washington's Homebrewing Culture
  • Recognize Excellence in Washington's Homebrewing Skills and Contributions to the Homebrewing Society
  • Promote Washington's Image as a Homebrewing state
© 2024 Washington Homebrewers Association
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