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Kat's Paw from Skookum Brewing PDF Print E-mail
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Wednesday, 09 June 2010 12:21

Ron and Jackie Walcher from Skookum Brewing have a friend who was in a horrible accident and lost her hand.  They genorously offered up two chances to brew a beer at Skookum Brewing in exchange for a contribution to the fund to help with their friends medical expenses.  Deeply touched by the opportunity to help someone in need, Mark Joy convinced the Stilly Mashers to pool together the money to make this happen.  Much to their delight, they raised more money than was expected.  Mark requestsed that they name the brew "Kat's Paw."  The Stilly Mashers, with the generosity of Ron and Jackie, brewed a Belgian Blond, Kat's Paw will be served at Skookum Brewings booth during the brewfest at St. Edwards fathers day weekend.

This experience has touched the Stilly Mashers very deeply and they are very proud of everyone  stepping to the plate to make this happen. Ron and Jackie's friend wishes to remain anonomous.  She has had a lot of problems with ghost limb pain and is very excited to have a prostetic that will help to make her a whole person again.

If you go to the Father's Day Festival, look for Kat's Paw at Skookum Brewing's booth and thank them for their great support to the community.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 09 June 2010 20:02
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