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Emptying Carboys PDF Print E-mail
Learn - Tips & Tricks
Written by Mark Emiley   
Tuesday, 15 July 2008 19:33

This is typically a lesson learned early on by all brewers and wine makers.  There are three fast ways to empty a carboy:

  • 1. Racking cane: Insert a racking cane which allows air to flow in and water to flow out without the re-pressurization "glugs." This is probably the easiest.
  • 2. Whirlpool: Holding the carboy upside-down, swirl it to get a vortex started. Once it is established, water pours out quickly. This requires flipping the carboy and holding it, which many of our backs can not take.
  • 3. Hammer: This is by far the fastest and eliminates the need to sterilize the carboy.
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