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Learn - Tips & Tricks
Written by Mark Emiley   
Tuesday, 15 July 2008 19:40

A tip brought to you care of podcasts from The Brewing Network.  Jamil Zainasheff, winner of the Ninkasi Award, puts on a great bi-weekly show that you can find at

When brewing extract brews with the rich, malty, Munich grains, normal steeping will not work to free up the sugars and flavors.  You'll end up with a lot of starch in your beer.  Instead, you need to make a very mini-mash (which will resemble steeping, but with less water).  Get a good porridge-like consistency and hold that at 150-155F for 30 minutes to allow conversion.  You can then put the mash in a strainer and rinse hot water (170F) over it to get a good extraction.  This will let you have a less cloudy beer with more of that great Munich flavor that you are looking for.

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