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Best Two-Page Instructions on How To Brew PDF Print E-mail
Learn - Tips & Tricks
Written by Mark Emiley   
Tuesday, 15 July 2008 19:56

For homebrewers getting started on the tightest of tight budgets who don't want to spend the extra money on a book, there are two good options. 

The fast option is to go to and download their simple instructions.

It is a very good orientation to the major steps that matter in brewing.

The other really good "cheap" option is to pick up the free "Introduction to Homebrewing" magazine from Zymurgy, which should be at your homebrew store.

These two publications can get anyone started.  After that, you really should pick up the Complete Joy of Homebrewing to get a proper orientation.  Once you've made it through that, you can pursue a ton of other good books.  It is just a matter of what aspects you want to get into.

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