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Mount Si Brewers BJCP Class Info - Nov 09 Exam PDF Print E-mail
Learn - BJCP Classes
Written by Mark Emiley   
Monday, 24 August 2009 02:52

Class Brought to You Courtesy of the Mt. Si Brewers 

Class Organizer: Steve Antoch
Contact info: Click Here
Anticipated meeting location: Issaquah Brewhouse / Rogue - 35 W. Sunset Way, Issaquah, WA 98027
Meeting days and time: Mondays at 7:00-9:00 starting August 17th
Approximate fees: $10 per session
Location of more info if available:

The meetings are pay as you go.  People from out of the Mt Si club are welcome to participated.  Please check with Steve for more details!

Note from Steve:

There will be 12 class sessions. They will run every Monday night at 7pm from August 24th up to November 9th at the Rogue Issaquah Brewhouse on Sunset Way in Issaquah. MAP HERE 

The exam will be held on Saturday, November 14th. Each class will cost $10 per person per session. This is only to cover the cost of the sample beers and the materials (copies, notebooks, etc).
Also, there will be a $10 exam registration fee which will be deducted from the price of the exam on exam day.

Each class will consist of two parts. The first is a tasting part so we can familiarize ourselves with most of the various beer styles as they appear in the BJCP style guidelines. We will sample and judge various commercial examples so that we can talk about the beers and how they are representative of the styles.
The second part is a technical topic related to beer ingredients, processes, or troubleshooting. A major part of becoming a beer judge is knowing and understanding how beer is made and how to give proper feedback when we are judging beers. The technical topics also tend to give people the most trouble on the exam. Past courses that I have taken and taught have put a great deal of emphasis on the tasting and styles, while leaving much of the technical topics lightly covered. In this course, I want to add more depth to the technical topics and try to limit the tastings to 5 or 6 beers tops per week.


Class 1. Light Lagers & Light Hybrids 8/17/2009

o Tasting:

 Light American Lager*

 Standard American Lager

 Premium American Lager*

 Bohemian Pilsner

 German Pilsner

 Dortmunder Export

 Munich Helles

 Kolsch

 American Wheat

o Technical topic

 Malt the malting process

 Types

 Adjuncts

 Kilning

 The styles with which different malts are associated

Class 2. Doctored beer seminar 8/31/2009

o This is an informative and practical method of learning how isolated flavors taste in beer.

Class 3. Amber and Dark Lagers 9/7/2009

o Tasting:

 Vienna

 Oktoberfest/Maerzen

 Munich Dunkel

 Schwarzbier

 Traditional Bock

 Helles/Maibock*

 Doppelbock

 Eisbock.

o Technical topic

 Water

 Minerals

 pH

 hardness

 adjustment

 The effect on the development of world beer styles.


Class 4. Bitters and Pale Ales 9/14/2009

o Tasting:

 Ordinary Bitter

 Special Bitter*


 American Pale Ale

 English IPA

 American IPA


o Technical topic

 Mashing

 Types of mashes used for different beer styles

 Mash schedules

 Enzymes.

Class 5. Brown, Scottish and Strong Scotch Ales 9/21/2009

o Tasting:

 Mild

 English Brown

 American Brown

 Scottish Ale

 Scotch Ale

o Technical topic

 Hops

 Hop Varieties

 IBUs & IBU Calculations

 Hopping schedules

 The association with different beer styles.

Class 6. Stout and Porter 9/28/2009

o Tasting:

 Dry Stout

 Sweet Stout

 Oatmeal Stout

 Foreign Export Stout*

 Imperial Stout

 Brown Porter

 Robust Porter

 Baltic Porter*

o Technical topic

 Yeast and fermentation

 Characteristics of different yeast strains

 Bacteria

 By-products

 Relationship to world beer styles.


Class 7. Barleywines, Old Ales & and Rauchbier 10/5/2009

o Tasting:

 English Old Ale

 English Barleywine

 American Barleywine

 Traditional Rauchbier

o Technical topic:

 Brewing procedures

 Sparging

 Boiling

 Fining

 Carbonation methods

 Reasons for each

 Potential problems.

Class 8. Dark Hybrids & Wheat Beers 10/12/2009

o Tasting:

 Bavarian Weizen

 Dunkelweizen

 Dusseldorfer Alt*

 North German Alt

 California Common

 Weizenbock

o Technical topic

 Troubleshooting I

 How positive and negative attributes are perceived and produced

 Beer styles with which they may be associated

 Corrective measures

 The flavor descriptors on the beer scoresheet or the BJCP Study Guide should be split into two sections.

Class 9. Strong Belgian and French Ales 10/19/2009

o Tasting:

 Wit

 Saison

 Tripel

 Strong Golden Ales

o Technical topic:

 Troubleshooting II.

Class 10. Sour Beers and Other Belgian Ales 10/26/2009

o Tasting:

 Pale Ale

 Biere de Garde*

 Dubbel

 Strong Dark Ales

o Technical topic:

 Recipe formulation


 Selection of appropriate ingredients and brewing procedure for different beer styles.

Class 11. Sour Beers and Other Belgian Ales 11/2/2009

o Tasting:

 Berliner Weiss

 Gueuze

 Straight Lambic*

 Fruit Lambic

 Oud Bruin

 Flanders Red*

o Technical topic:

 Recipe formulation

 Selection of appropriate ingredients and brewing procedure for different beer styles.

Class 12. Review 11/9/2009

o Open Q&A in preparation for the exam

Last Updated on Monday, 24 August 2009 02:59
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