News Flash

The portion of Brian Perkey's Yeast talk that we successfully recorded is available for download here.  (Right click and select save target as.) Unfortunately the second half was lost but the material we have is great!  Enjoy!
WAHA Top News - Dec '08 PDF Print E-mail
News - Latest News
Written by Mark Emiley   
Wednesday, 10 December 2008 11:04

Legislative Effort

The Washington Homebrewers Association is working to change our homemade beer and wine transportation laws in Washington.  As it is right now, you can't take homebrew outside of your house except for competitions!  We have drafted legislation to allow more communal celebration of the hobby and support the future professional beer and wine makers in Washington.  We are proud to announce that Senator Ken Jacobsen has agreed to sponsor our bill (Senate Bill 5060). 

We need you to get involved and contact your legislators asking them to support Senate Bill 5060.  It is easy and will greatly increase our chances of getting the bill passed.  For more information on how you can help, please check our legislative section at  

Educational Clinic - Decoction - January 17th

On January 17th, the Washington Homebrewers Association will be sponsoring another Educational Clinic focusing on the topic of Decoction.  Have you ever wondered about this classic brewing technique?  Come down to Larry's Brewing Supply on the 17th from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm (or later) and see how it is done.  We'll have handouts, opportunities to do some hands-on decoctions, and lunch.  Admission is $10.  Details will be posted shortly.

BJCP Exam & Study Groups

There is a Beer Judge Certification Program test taking place in Washington on February 28th.  Several local clubs have organized study groups to help prepare.  If you are interested in taking the test or would like to find more information on the classes, read this article.

NHC Attendees Yahoo Group

For people planning to attend the 2009 National Homebrewers Conference in Oakland, California this June, a Yahoo Group of Washington homebrewers has been formed to prepare for the conference.  The WAHA will have a table at the Homebrewer's Night event so we'll be putting together a booth and bar, organizing transporation of beers, and figuring out other details like themes and beer styles.  If you are going to be attending the conference, please go get registered on our Yahoo Group site (WAHAAHAConf2009) at:

Washington Homebrewers Association Facebook Site

The Washington Homebrewers Association is launching a Facebook site.  You can become a fan and receive updates on WAHA happenings.  We'll use it to post photos from events as well as meeting information and anything else from our events.  The website will continue to be the central repository, but we will use this as another way to keep in touch with Washington homebrewers.

Last Updated on Sunday, 18 January 2009 18:02
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